• Constriction junction, do you function?

    Updated: 2024-09-30 18:52:05
    Scientists have shown that a type of qubit whose architecture is more amenable to mass production can perform comparably to qubits currently dominating the field. With a series of mathematical analyses, the scientists have provided a roadmap for simpler qubit fabrication that enables robust and reliable manufacturing of these quantum computer building blocks.

  • New understanding of the limits on nano-noise

    Updated: 2024-09-30 18:52:05
    Thanks to nanoscale devices as small as human cells, researchers can create groundbreaking material properties, leading to smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient electronics. However, to fully unlock the potential of nanotechnology, addressing noise is crucial. A research team has taken a significant step toward unraveling fundamental constraints on noise, paving the way for future nanoelectronics.

  • Physics team electrifies the quantum world

    Updated: 2024-09-30 18:52:05
    Researchers have developed a method to model a central theory of quantum gravity in the laboratory. Their goal: to decipher previously unexplained phenomena in the quantum world.

  • Quantum researchers cause controlled 'wobble' in the nucleus of a single atom

    Updated: 2024-09-30 18:52:05
    Researchers have been able to initiate a controlled movement in the very heart of an atom. They caused the atomic nucleus to interact with one of the electrons in the outermost shells of the atom. This electron could be manipulated and read out through the needle of a scanning tunneling microscope. The research offers prospects for storing quantum information inside the nucleus, where it is safe from external disturbances.

  • Discovery of a new phase of matter in 2D which defies normal statistical mechanics

    Updated: 2024-09-30 18:52:05
    Physicists have created the first two-dimensional version of the Bose glass, a novel phase of matter that challenges statistical mechanics.

  • Researchers advance new class of quantum critical metal that could advance electronic devices

    Updated: 2024-09-30 18:52:05
    A new study has unveiled a new class of quantum critical metal, shedding light on the intricate interactions of electrons within quantum materials. The research explores the effects of Kondo coupling and chiral spin liquids within specific lattice structures.

  • A breakthrough in chiral molecule research opens new horizons for science

    Updated: 2024-08-29 17:25:03
    Scientists have made a significant leap forward in the field of chiral molecules. The team achieved near-complete separation in quantum states for these essential components of life.

  • Physics researchers identify new multiple Majorana zero modes in superconducting SnTe

    Updated: 2024-08-29 17:24:24
    A collaborative research team has identified the world's first multiple Majorana zero modes (MZMs) in a single vortex of the superconducting topological crystalline insulator SnTe and exploited crystal symmetry to control the coupling between the MZMs. This discovery offers a new pathway to realizing fault-tolerant quantum computers.

  • Physicists ease path to entanglement for quantum sensing

    Updated: 2024-08-26 22:29:40
    A quantum mechanical trick called 'spin squeezing' is widely recognized to hold promise for supercharging the capabilities of the world's most precise quantum sensors, but it's been notoriously difficult to achieve. In new research, physicists describe how they've put spin squeezing within better reach.

  • Unconventional interface superconductor could benefit quantum computing

    Updated: 2024-08-23 18:47:18
    A multi-institutional team of scientists has developed a new superconductor material that could potentially be used in quantum computing and be a candidate 'topological superconductor.'

  • Langbeinites show talents as 3D quantum spin liquids

    Updated: 2024-08-23 04:01:22
    A 3D quantum spin liquid has been discovered in the vicinity of a member of the langbeinite family. The material's specific crystalline structure and the resulting magnetic interactions induce an unusual behavior that can be traced back to an island of liquidity. An international team has made this discovery with experiments at the ISIS neutron source and theoretical modelling on a nickel-langbeinite sample.

  • Kagome superconductor makes waves

    Updated: 2024-08-23 04:01:01
    Superconductivity theory proposed by physics team validated in international experiment: Cooper pairs display wave-like distribution in Kagome metals, enabling new technological applications like superconducting diodes.

  • Toward a code-breaking quantum computer

    Updated: 2024-08-23 04:00:24
    Building on a landmark algorithm, researchers propose a way to make a smaller and more noise-tolerant quantum factoring circuit for cryptography.

  • Scientists harness quantum microprocessor chips for revolutionary molecular spectroscopy simulation

    Updated: 2024-08-20 04:44:40
    Engineering researchers have successfully developed a quantum microprocessor chip for molecular spectroscopy simulation of actual large-structured and complex molecules.

  • New insight Into behavior of electrons

    Updated: 2024-08-15 20:36:08
    Physicists have uncovered new states of matter by exploring the behavior of flatland electrons in extreme conditions, revealing insights that could impact quantum computing and advanced materials.

  • Quantum pumping in molecular junctions

    Updated: 2024-08-15 04:42:09
    Researchers have developed a new theoretical modelling technique that could potentially be used in the development of switches or amplifiers in molecular electronics.

  • Advancing modular quantum information processing

    Updated: 2024-08-15 04:41:35
    A team of physicists envisions a modular system for scaling quantum processors with a flexible way of linking qubits over long distances to enable them to work in concert to perform quantum operations. The ability to carry out such correlated or 'entangling' operations between linked qubits is the basis of the enhanced power quantum computing holds compared with current computers.

  • X-ray imagery of vibrating diamond opens avenues for quantum sensing

    Updated: 2024-08-07 04:29:01
    Scientists at three research institutions capture the pulsing motion of atoms in diamond, uncovering the relationship between the diamond's strain and the behavior of the quantum information hosted within.

  • Stacked up against the rest

    Updated: 2024-08-01 04:19:30
    Scientists have hypothesized that moir excitons -- electron-hole pairs confined in moir interference fringes which overlap with slightly offset patterns -- may function as qubits in next-generation nano-semiconductors. However, due to diffraction limits, it has not been possible to focus light enough in measurements, causing optical interference from many moir excitons. To solve this, researchers have developed a new method of reducing these moir excitons to measure the quantum coherence time and realize quantum functionality.

  • Researchers develop general framework for designing quantum sensors

    Updated: 2024-07-30 17:49:31
    Researchers have designed a protocol for harnessing the power of quantum sensors. The protocol could give sensor designers the ability to fine-tune quantum systems to sense signals of interest, creating sensors that are vastly more sensitive than traditional sensors.

  • Breaking new ground for computing technologies with electron-hole crystals

    Updated: 2024-07-30 17:48:38
    A team developed a novel method to successfully visualise electron-hole crystals in an exotic quantum material. Their breakthrough could pave the way for new advancements in computing technologies, including in-memory and quantum computing.

  • Optical fibers fit for the age of quantum computing

    Updated: 2024-07-29 14:42:27
    A new generation of specialty optical fibers has been developed by physicists to cope with the challenges of data transfer expected to arise in the future age of quantum computing.

  • Spin qubits go trampolining

    Updated: 2024-07-25 19:46:03
    Researchers have developed somersaulting spin qubits for universal quantum logic. This achievement may enable efficient control of large semiconductor qubit arrays. The research group recently published their demonstration of hopping spins and somersaulting spins.

  • A breakthrough on the edge: One step closer to topological quantum computing

    Updated: 2024-07-10 17:09:19
    Researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum materials, potentially setting the stage for advancements in topological superconductivity and robust quantum computing.

  • A 2D device for quantum cooling

    Updated: 2024-07-05 14:11:38
    Engineers have created a device that can efficiently convert heat into electrical voltage at temperatures lower than that of outer space. The innovation could help overcome a significant obstacle to the advancement of quantum computing technologies, which require extremely low temperatures to function optimally.

  • A genetic algorithm for phononic crystals

    Updated: 2024-07-03 17:17:50
    Researchers tested phononic nanomaterials designed with an automated genetic algorithm that responded to light pulses with controlled vibrations. This work may help in the development of next-generation sensors and computer devices.

  • Neutrons on classically inexplicable paths

    Updated: 2024-07-02 17:55:16
    Is nature really as strange as quantum theory says -- or are there simpler explanations? New neutron measurements prove: It doesn't work without the strange properties of quantum theory.

  • Visual explanations of machine learning models to estimate charge states in quantum dots

    Updated: 2024-06-28 03:26:23
    To form qubit states in semiconductor materials, it requires tuning for numerous parameters. But as the number of qubits increases, the amount of parameters also increases, thereby complicating this process. Now, researchers have automated this process, overcoming a significant barrier to realizing quantum computers.

  • Researchers discover new flat electronic bands, paving way for advanced quantum materials

    Updated: 2024-06-26 00:59:43
    Scientists predict the existence of flat electronic bands at the Fermi level, a finding that could enable new forms of quantum computing and electronic devices.

  • Breakthrough may clear major hurdle for quantum computers

    Updated: 2024-06-18 15:55:42
    The potential of quantum computers is currently thwarted by a trade-off problem. Quantum systems that can carry out complex operations are less tolerant to errors and noise, while systems that are more protected against noise are harder and slower to compute with. Now a research team has created a unique system that combats the dilemma, thus paving the way for longer computation time and more robust quantum computers.

  • Quantum entanglement measures Earth rotation

    Updated: 2024-06-14 18:19:36
    Researchers carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Earth on quantum entangled photons. The work represents a significant achievement that pushes the boundaries of rotation sensitivity in entanglement-based sensors, potentially setting the stage for further exploration at the intersection between quantum mechanics and general relativity.

  • A liquid crystal source of photon pairs

    Updated: 2024-06-14 18:19:16
    Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), as a source of entangled photons, is of great interest for quantum physics and quantum technology, but so far it could be only implemented in solids. Researchers have demonstrated, for the first time, SPDC in a liquid crystal. The results open a path to a new generation of quantum sources: efficient and electric-field tunable.

  • Quantum data assimilation: A quantum leap in weather prediction

    Updated: 2024-06-13 18:04:01
    Data assimilation is an important mathematical discipline in earth sciences, particularly in numerical weather prediction (NWP). However, conventional data assimilation methods require significant computational resources. To address this, researchers developed a novel method to solve data assimilation on quantum computers, significantly reducing the computation time. The findings of the study have the potential to advance NWP systems and will inspire practical applications of quantum computers for advancing data assimilation.

  • Quantum dots and metasurfaces: Deep connections in the nano world

    Updated: 2024-06-12 15:33:50
    A team has developed printable, highly efficient light-emitting metasurfaces.

  • New technique could help build quantum computers of the future

    Updated: 2024-06-11 17:04:08
    Researchers have demonstrated a new method that could enable the large-scale manufacturing of optical qubits. The advance could bring us closer to a scalable quantum computer.

  • Switching nanomagnets using infrared lasers

    Updated: 2024-06-11 17:03:17
    Physicists have calculated how suitable molecules can be stimulated by infrared light pulses to form tiny magnetic fields. If this is also successful in experiments, the principle could be used in quantum computer circuits.

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